Completely useless. Embarrassing for Roland.

Poorly thought out app, beside the fact that nothing works in it. Why Roland hasn’t taken it down is mystifying.


Don’t bother


I purchased Roland specifically for this feature. BIG MISTAKE! Amp is fine, but this? A poor joke. Will not load anything from my I-tunes library and app doesn’t even have a vehicle to load anything other than short demos. If you’re looking for this feature, save your money.

Cube Jam

This app is just straight up awful, you can do anything with it, songs won’t download, it kinda ruins the features that they claim about this app.

iCloud Music support

This app has not been updated to support the new iCloud music. If I dig through my old cd's and mp3, and after converting them to WAV's, I'll have a workable feature. Will there be an update to this app or a redeveloped feature packed app?

Update,upgrade ??

Please,please update it, i need it, i don't want to loose my datas and im not deleting it with a great hope that it will be updated soon

Cube jam

I love it , no problems. Just needs to be updated with ios 11

Update it to work with IOS 11

And you can bite me anytime

No stars rating

Please update your app for iOS 11.

Cube jam

Roland needs to update

Need to update to iOS 11

I loved using this app but needs to be updated to iOS 11in order to work. Please update app.

Does not work with iOS 11

If you could release an update allowing the app to be used with iOS 11, that would be swell. Will give 5 stars once updated, since I liked it when I was able to use it on iOS 10.

Almost Useless

Occasionally a song will download and perform. Then it disappears. You could spend half of your spare time trying to make this poor software load a song. I’ve tried my iTunes archive.. freshly purchased tunes- you name it. This needs a massive upgrade. The hardware is amazing. But without song processing features, it’s just a small speaker with nice overdrive.

Please Update

App was fantastic until ios was updated, now I can't add new songs from my library and recording is suspect. Please update to work with the latest version of ios.

Please update before iOS 11 release

In less than 3 months when iOS 11 is released, this app will no longer work if not updated. Please update soon so it is compatible. I use this often with my Micro Cube and would hate to lose this feature on my amp. Thank You


Roland-please fix this joker app. It is not recording well and it doesn't center cancel anything except the demo tracks. I can't believe Roland allowed this..such a quality amps with this to be an alternative for a looper?? It is nothing more than an aux in for me. Tried to record to GarageBand with it with the cable from my electric and it picks up noises and you cannot monitor the sound from the app. I would be mad to even pay 1 cent for it, because even for free-all it was is a waste of time.


Totally lame,won't let me upload my songs. Acts like it does and then just goes back to demo songs. Also wish they put a looper on here like the 80xl had built in. At the least,they could add it to the cube jam! The cube jam was a big reason why I bought the amp,only to realize it was a cheap app that don't work

Too Limited to be considered Pro

Big mistake not having the ability to build your own tracks. I can record in Garage Band and then transfer to OnSong for playback. Roland is really missing the big picture here. Even if you were to add the ability to Library other mp4 track or songs it would be a bit more user friendly. My experience is User Friendly and Roland are not synonymous. Hint Hint!

amp-ap disappointment

The ap is not what I thought. 4 years ago I bought a cube 80x which I regrettably sold. Last week I bought the new cube 20gx for a bedroom/small gig amp. I noticed it no longer had the loop function, but assumed from the packaging that the i-link port would have adequately replaced it... Wrong. This ap is poorly made and should not be promoted as beneficial. Shame on you Roland.

Frustrated..Record My Own Track

I cannot create my own backtracking..I would have to record first on my Mac first, then send it to iTunes, so I can re-download to my IPhone. Then I can add it to Cube Jam Library. We do need to be able to add a blank song and begin recording our own tracks. Please do this in the next release…and I will be a happy happy happy camper…thanks.

Thumb Down

Nice app for listening to your songs in your library. But it won't record your playing. This app is nothing but a marketing tool or some regulation thing for the company. Absolutely useless for the customer.


Needs option to record without backing track, that's all I wanted. I can jam to tracks through speakers and YouTube. Also volume is insanely low when u do record.

please add these features on the next update

Nice App but, as above users have stated, would like to record without a backing track playing. Also, ability to repeat a track(loop) during recording. Thanks.

Attn iPad users: this is an iPhone app!

I sure wish someone at Roland would have mentioned that this app is only available in App Store under iPhone apps, not iPad apps. I could have saved forty minutes of my life. I'm sure it works fine. Dang, you couldn't put that somewhere to ease the process?

Not ready for prime time

Junk. Wasted 10 minutes of my life on this junk.

Needs backing to record

This app is useless to me you may use some features I don't care for but i got it to record and it doesn't do that without a backing

Ton of fun

Very cool app. Works as advertised. Make sure your song is loaded from the cloud to your iOS devise, then load the song into the amp. Next step is have fun. Thanks Roland! Another great product. Their customer service rocks as well. Super friendly and very helpful.

Wish They Had an Option Just to Record Without a Track

This is an OK program. With no option to record without a backing track, it is somewhat annoying. Add that option, and I'll give you another star.

Low Volume!!!!

The volume is too low!!

Nice start!

This is a nice app, but your loop turns off when the phone goes into sleep. Not real handy when your in the middle of a jam and it shuts off.

Guitarist over 30 yrs

I've had the cube lite for a month or so & I must admit I love it. But I would love a create song option on the app. Hope that can be added in an update, hint hint. Otherwise it is a great practice tool. I use it every day.

Awesome but...

Well this seems like a really awesome app, it's a great concept. The only thing that I think needs work is more instructions. Basically the way it is now is you open it and find out how to do it yourself...

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